Mijbil the Otter
Mijbil the Otter Summary
Mijbil the Otter Summary
In early 1956, Gavin Maxwell traveled to Southern Iraq, where he had the idea of keeping an otter as a pet instead of a dog. When he mentioned this to a friend, he was told that otters were plentiful in the Tigris marshes and were often tamed by the Arabs. Maxwell’s friend arranged to get him an otter while Maxwell was visiting Basra to collect his mail.
The Unique Otter
The otter, named Mijbil, was of a race previously unknown to science, which was later named “Maxwell’s otter” after the author. When Maxwell first acquired Mijbil, the otter was aloof and indifferent. However, he soon became friendly and playful. He loved playing in water, overturning bowls and splashing water everywhere. He also learned how to open the taps to get water. Mijbil was an intelligent and fun-loving creature who could play with marbles and rubber balls for hours. He even invented his own game with a ping-pong ball and a damaged suitcase.
Challenges of Bringing Mijbil to England
Taking Mijbil back to England posed a significant challenge for Maxwell. The airlines insisted that the otter be transported in a box not more than 18 inches square. When Maxwell put Mijbil in the box, the otter became distressed and tore at the box, injuring himself in the process. Finally, an understanding air hostess allowed Maxwell to keep Mijbil on his knee during the flight.
Mijbil in London
Back in London, Maxwell took Mijbil out for walks on a leash, much like a dog. He discovered that most people could not recognize that Mijbil was an otter. They made many amusing guesses about what animal he could be, ranging from a baby seal to a squirrel, a walrus, a hippo, a beaver, a bear cub, and even a brontosaurus.
The Bond Between Maxwell and Mijbil
Throughout the story, Maxwell’s love for Mijbil is evident. He observes the otter’s behavior keenly and with great amusement. The story is not just about an otter, but also about the bond that develops between Mijbil and Maxwell.
List of Difficult Words and Their Meanings of Mijbil the Otter
1. Casually (adv.) – In a relaxed, informal way.
2. Eminently (adv.) – To a notable degree; very.
3. Squatting (v.) – Crouching or sitting with the knees bent and the heels close to or touching the back of the thighs.
4. Squirmed (v.) – Twisted or moved with wriggling motions.
5. Thraldom (n.) – A state of being in bondage or slavery.
6. Fixation (n.) – An obsessive interest in or feeling about someone or something.
7. Medievally-Conceived (adj.) – Imagined or thought of as in the Middle Ages.
8. Christened (v.) – Give (a baby) a Christian name at baptism as a sign of admission to a Christian Church.
9. Aloof (adj.) – Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
10. Apathy (n.) – Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
11. Provoking (adj.) – Causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
12. Chromium (n.) – A hard, shiny, greyish-white metal.
13. Chittering (v.) – Making a series of short, high-pitched sounds.
14. Flick (n.) – A sudden sharp movement.
15. Dribble (v.) – Pass (a ball) from one foot to the other while moving.
16. Appalling (adj.) – Causing shock or dismay; horrific.
17. Whipped Off (phrasal verb) – Remove or take off quickly.
18. Trickled (v.) – Flowed in a small stream.
19. Ricochetting (v.) – Bouncing off a surface.
20. Infuriated (adj.) – Very angry; enraged.
21. Profound (adj.) – Very great or intense.
22. Resumé (v.) – Begin again or continue after a pause or interruption.
23. Craning (v.) – Stretching out one’s neck in order to see something.
24. Distressed (adj.) – Suffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
25. Nuzzle (v.) – Rub or push against gently with the nose and mouth.
26. Eventful (adj.) – Marked by interesting or exciting events.
27. Engrossed (adj.) – Absorbed in thought; lost in concentration.
28. Ambush (v.) – Make a surprise attack on someone from a concealed position.
29. Gallop (v.) – A horse’s fastest pace.
30. Barrage (n.) – A concentrated artillery bombardment.
31. Conjectural (adj.) – Based on or involving conjecture; speculative.
32. Stoat (n.) – A small carnivorous mammal.
33. Abreast (adv.) – Side by side and facing the same way.
34. Affront (n.) – An action or remark that causes outrage or offence.